The Commodore is responsible for the Board of Directors and overall responsibility for the Yacht Club.
Responsible for the yacht club facilities, and stands in for the Commodore when necessary.
Responsible for the education programs (seminars) and club facilities, and stands in for the Commodore when necessary.
Responsible for the club finances, membership rolls, financial records, and financial reporting.
Responsible for the board meeting minutes, communications to the membership (newsletters, etc.) the annual membership directory, renewals and new member packets and maintaining club records.
Responsible for organization and management of all race activities. (Non-voting member)
Responsible for planning and coordinating all social events.
(Non-voting member)
Responsible for providing advice to the board.
(Non-voting member)
Responsible for providing advice to the board.
(Non-voting member)
Please consider offering your service to your club by sitting on the Nominating Committee, during Sept/Oct of each year, to help recruit applications for the positions of Commodore, Vice Commodore, Rear Commodore, Secretary, or Treasurer, or serving in one of these positions.
A slate of Officers must be provided to the members 30 days prior to our General Meeting, held annually each November. Applications will be accepted through a cutoff date in October, to be announced. You may reach out to any one of the Board Members for additional information.
Please help support the continued success of the Cedar Mills Yacht Club!
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